jordan and i broke up... not really sure what to think of it. he keeps coming around though and it's starting to get on my nerves. i don't know how much longer i can play nice, especially when alexa's always making him come around. it's weird.
something weird is going on w/ alexa and camila... blackmailing travis??

alexa picked out our halloween costumes. i think she decided i'm a vampire. is that because i suck the life out of everything lately? tbd

pretty much had it with colson. he needs to pay back his debts or i'm done playing nice.

jordan lost his half of our heart the other day. now i can't find my half. if that's not confirmation that this relationship is over, i don't know what is

this is it, i gave alexa an ultimatum. either she comes clean about blackmailing travis for the sake of her fantasy football team or i'm going to come clean for her. she swears she'll do it after the halloween party. i guess we'll see?

to do list
lunch date with meggy
talk to cole -- has he talked to colson?
touch base with alexa. make girlie do the right thing!!
check on travis. being famous is hard.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! i've completely run out of patience. people need to start doing the right thing. after this halloween party, i am DONE