i live for simple pleasures; order the tiramisu for dessert before i even ask and i may just fall in love with you. whisper the lyrics to ray charles' "come live with me" into my ear so no one else can hear. bring home some dying flowers from the store just cos they were on their last life and you wanted them to spend their final days with someone you knew would take good care of them. the words "this made me think of you" are my chosen addiction. send me a song, tell me your random shower thoughts, dance with me in the kitchen while we're cooking dinner together. take me on adventures - not to exotic locations and five star resorts, but to places that mean something to you. always order the raw clams if they're on the menu. wish upon shooting stars, at 11:11, when that one part comes on during konstantine... whenever the fuck you want. be weird and different and free and kind, just be you.

a few of my favourite things...

six favourite films/books/tv shows (you can mix them up)? five favourite cities in no particular order? four favourite meals? three favourite terms of endearment? two favourite love songs? one thing you're proud of today?